few days before......holiday leaves us :(

hi !
its been a week since my last post, right? wow im missing blogging-world a lot.
well, here i am, facing my old computer and thinking about something to be written here.
maybei'll tell some random facts.

i went to see the doctor with my Mum on tuesday, to let my face get its treatment. you know, i got some problems with my face and sometimes having an oily face is annoying. after that i went home by bus and this is the first time for my Mum, since she got motorcycle to go to somewhere.

hey, i hate my brother. a rude statement, i know. but. he left me for going to see Avatar movie ! he said to me that he didnt want to watch it couple of days ago but then he watched it without me. well, i can say i have noone to go -->sounds pathetic, doesnt it?

nah, i know this might sounds crazy but i love spiderman ! lol. i saw the first and second movies on a channel on tv yesterday and the day before yesterday (i have never seen them before) and i love them ! and also the character of peter parker is really ionteresting. sometimes he's weak, very weak, and he likes to cry ! oh man. but i was impressed by his bravery, to face the truth, and to take a risk. its awesome. i also like the statement on movie which is told by peter parker's aunt

I believe there's a hero in all of us, that keeps us honest,
gives us
strength, makes us noble, and finally allows us to die with pride,
even though
sometimes we have to be steady, and give up the thing we want
the most. Even our

these movies tell us about integrity, and honesty....
aww, i cant wait to see the 3rd. its tonight ! xD

Mum and i will get some shops today. im not really sure about what we will buy later but one thing, hanging out with Mum always be my favorite activity :)

raaaaaaaaah why must this post end by bad news? holiday is almost over, pals ! there are 4 days left. HAH.

see ya !


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